When the Gospel isn’t enough, we must add to it. The Gospel isn’t enough, because we are full of ourselves. So Jesus dying on the cross, bearing our sins for salvation isn’t enough. We must do our part by trying hard. But scripture says; 8For it is by grace you have been saved, through…… Continue reading When the Gospel of Jesus Christ is not enough
Author: admin
Meeting God
If you want to ‘meet’ God, you can where you are now. You don’t have to go anywhere to meet God. All you have to do is ask him, talk to him, pray. The teaching that you have to go here or there to meet God does not line up with scripture, God is everywhere…… Continue reading Meeting God
Does the local church create a divide in family discipleship?
Does the local church create a divide in family discipleship? The exchange of dialogue is only helpful if that exchange has a point that is potentially beneficial to others. So while it is common in this blog and on the internet to criticize the practices in Christ’s church, this post will hopefully help as…… Continue reading Does the local church create a divide in family discipleship?
Walmart Shopping Carts Matter
Walmart spends millions of bucks on shopping carts each year, So when you park your car and you see, Be it One, two or three, Let’s all pitch in, be you, them or me, To save us from that awful invisible fee, And just maybe this year will be the year, We can get…… Continue reading Walmart Shopping Carts Matter
What’s Our Brand? – What Do We Want People to Know First?
What’s Our Brand? – What Do We Want People to Know First? Growing up without the money to buy the latest ‘trending’ this or that was a blessing. Although, growing up without the internet understanding ‘trending’ was also a blessing. Many of us have a brand whether we want one or not. But some in…… Continue reading What’s Our Brand? – What Do We Want People to Know First?
Experiencing God in a Corporate Setting ? Messaging Matters
Driving by this sign day after day which read “Experience God”, I thought to my self, ‘self, what does that mean?’ I mean it’s a sign that is in front of a building with the word ‘church’ in the name. It’s a good size building being built and so I looked at some of the…… Continue reading Experiencing God in a Corporate Setting ? Messaging Matters
Silly Sermon Sayings with Stevey the Squash #notveggietales
Why do we have Sermon Sayings? What do Sermon Sayings accomplish? What weight should we give them? How do we even use Sermon Sayings in our lives? And what do we test Sermon Sayings with since 1 Thessalonians 5:21 tells us to test all things and hold onto that which is good. I’ll submit and…… Continue reading Silly Sermon Sayings with Stevey the Squash #notveggietales
Memes from the Archive
Power starter kit for starting a progressive church.
Time to boot Leaders out of Christ’s Church – Mark 10:42-45
Time to Boot Leaders out of Christ’s Church I like to insert humor in my writing so people will calm down, here’s a cartoon from one of my favorite cartoonists. Now breathe a bit, one one thousand, two two thousand… Now that everyone’s heads aren’t exploding, let’s take a minute to explore God’s word about…… Continue reading Time to boot Leaders out of Christ’s Church – Mark 10:42-45