What’s Our Brand? – What Do We Want People to Know First?

So many brands to choose from.

What’s Our Brand? – What Do We Want People to Know First? Growing up without the money to buy the latest ‘trending’ this or that was a blessing.  Although, growing up without the internet understanding ‘trending’ was also a blessing.  Many of us have a brand whether we want one or not.  But some in…… Continue reading What’s Our Brand? – What Do We Want People to Know First?

Carl and Wally – Wally visits Carl’s church

Carl and Wally   Carl and Wally are fictional characters visiting a fictional church, maybe yours.   About the Author:  Steven Davis is a musician, practicing apologist, media producer and burned out preachers kid.

Consumer Friendly Jesus Meets Matthew 10

Consumer Friendly Jesus Meets Matthew 10 As usual, Jesus would sit down and teach his disciples about the mission and vision he had for them.  So on a bright sunny day, Jesus sat down to teach. However, the process for each meeting was becoming pretty complicated because, after every survey, his disciples came up with…… Continue reading Consumer Friendly Jesus Meets Matthew 10

Get on the Church bus, or get run over.

It's all good till your love runs over people

Caveat First To my reader who may not know Christ as your personal savior.  My hope is that in reading the following post, you’ll know what to look for in a church fellowship.  As Christ followers, we are called to love you. You won’t find perfect people, but you can find a Christ fellowship that…… Continue reading Get on the Church bus, or get run over.

Salty outrage; Christian anger and outrage, and how to handle it

outrage n. An act of extreme violence or viciousness. I’m reminded of a story, where for no fault of their own, a person was killed.  It was senseless without any reason.  Only God knows what actually happened, but from all accounts, the victim did nothing to instigate the violence.  So while the tragedy was the…… Continue reading Salty outrage; Christian anger and outrage, and how to handle it

Shh, zip it, be quiet, don’t say it, pray about it; Why Christians shouldn’t be attacking each other

When Christians attack each other, both lose. It hurts the cause of Christ when Christians attack each other.  It shows we have lost focus on our mission, which is to make disciples.    Verbal discourse in the church is a good thing.  But in Luke 6:37 when Jesus says; Do not judge.  Jesus gives us…… Continue reading Shh, zip it, be quiet, don’t say it, pray about it; Why Christians shouldn’t be attacking each other

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